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Fitness in your 20's? A breeze. 

When you hit your 40’s, things get real.


Career, family, and a myriad of other demands take over.


If you’re not actively invested in your health —aging takes its toll.


Customized support eliminates guesswork and dramatically increases your chances of success. With targeted education, tools, and instructions, you'll save time and achieve results faster. And for those 40+, time is precious. You and your loved ones aren’t getting any younger and getting started isn’t getting any easier. There’s not a day to waste!

Getting fit at 40+ doesn’t

have to be a competition.


Connecting to yourself is key.


From single, career-focused men who don’t even own a pan to fry an egg to busy C-Suite executives struggling to prioritize their wellbeing amidst family chaos—Peak Performance 40 has supported clients at every stage of their fitness journey. Private Personal Training guarantees your monthly training program will be highly tailored to your needs, abilities, challenges, and goals.

Whether you’re currently in shape or completely out of shape, the rewards of 1:1 support won’t discriminate.…

  • Improve your heart and bone health to increase longevity
  • Enhance your balance and strength to reduce injury risk as you age
  • Give yourself a foundation of fitness to support future injury or surgery recoveries
  • Integrate healthy weight maintenance into your daily life
  • Reduce stress and boost cognitive function
  • Improve mode, sleep quality, energy levels, and confidence
  • Gain a sense of personal achievement that inspires others and sets a positive example

Professional support that specifically targets your challenges and deliberately plans for your goals makes for a fitness journey that is more simple, powerful, and faster than any other method.

 The Gold Membership

For those ready to commit to meaningful fitness goals and a regular training routine.

With our Gold Membership, you get monthly access to expert support so you can:

  • Use your fitness journey as fuel for success in every area of your life.
  • Make maintaining your fitness second nature.
  • Embrace discipline and see the results in every area of your life.
Learn More

The Platinum Membership

For those ready to commit to total-life transformation and become high-performing athletes.

With our Platinum membership, expect every area of your life to be assessed, unpacked, and integrated into your training program so you can:

  • Commit to yourself and your health at the same level you’ve committed to your career
  • Make steady progress towards a body you feel your best in.
  • Show your family (and friends) the power of intentional self-leadership.
  • Plan an ambitious and adventurous future with confidence.
Learn More

Customized support eliminates guesswork and dramatically increases your chances of success.

With targeted education, tools, and instructions, you'll save time and achieve results faster.
And for those 40+, time is precious. You and your loved ones aren’t getting any younger and getting
started isn’t getting any easier. There’s not a day to waste!
Get Started

Get Started Today

The Gold Membership


  • Monthly coaching call 
  • Targeted feedback and progressive goal development
  • Weekly coaching via email 
  • Plan alterations as needed
  • Customized monthly training program
  • Event-specific advice and strategy


Start Your Gold Membership

The Platinum Membership


  • Fortnightly coaching calls via WhatsApp
  • Targeted feedback and progressive goal development
  • Weekly coaching via email with plan alterations as needed
  • Customized monthly training program
  • Personal nutrition advice and feedback
  • Lifestyle advice and feedback
  • Event-specific advice and strategy
Start Your Platinum Membership

Meet Andrew Read


You don’t need a whole gym to get in shape.

Most trainers will tell you that you need to use one tool or one method to get in shape because that is all they know. In my nearly 30 years working with people there’s not much I haven’t tried, tested, and either kept or discarded. RPT is the Jeet Kune Do of physical training.

I have stripped back training to the essential and proven my results work with everyone from young men attempting special forces selection to 60 and 70 year olds winning world championships and ultra marathons. In other words, I have proven my system works regardless of age, gender, or the event itself.

I advocate movement, strength, and endurance work – if you think being in shape is only about standing still and lifting weights then you have fitness all wrong. Movement is the essence of life – it fixes poor movement and strengthens and protects the body. When we stop moving we die.


“Andrew didn’t Personally Train me, he Personally Taught me. He gave me life skills to manage and maintain my weight, understand how to approach food rationally, and how to structure my weeks around family and fitness. I cannot recommend him enough!”

- James Matthews

"Andrew Read's online training and coaching programs have made a sea change in my life. I ended up with a massive amount of weight loss and a much stronger body. Don't try to figure out fitness and nutrition for yourself. Andrew has it dialed in and you'll get to your destination far, far faster with his programs" 

- Ben Afazal 

"Andrew has been my coach for years now which speaks volumes of his coaching ability. What I appreciate most is that he keeps things simple. He is a world class coach and one of the good guys - no agenda other than to help people get better."

- Gan PowerÂ