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Challenge What’s Possible…

Achieve The Impossible.

The Misogi Challenge

By Peak Performance 40

A 12-Week Program to ignite discipline, motivation,
and confidence in your fitness journey.


Chances are, you’re selling yourself short.


Playing a little small. And letting your age, fitness level, or a lag in your journey keep you from fully experiencing the power of your body, health, and vitality. The Misogi Challenge is a springboard into (or back into) fitness success. 

The point of the Misogi Challenge isn’t to perform perfectly, it’s to prove to yourself that you can develop the discipline to do anything you set your mind to. 

At the heart of the Misogi concept is the idea of doing something challenging one day a year that will profoundly change you for the other 364. 


In the Misogi Challenge by Peak Performance 40, you’ll face a workout challenge each week with a final 2-day challenge that will show you how much more capable, resilient, adaptable, and durable you can be physically, mentally, and emotionally in fitness and in life. 


Because while career success comes with a lot of accolades to build up your ego…personal success comes with a deep satisfaction, confidence, and vitality that no one can take away from you.

Along with your weekly workout challenge, you’ll receive:

  • Mental training and reflection prompts that are vital to your Misogi success
  • Dietary guidance to help you plan for the nutritional demands of your workouts
  • Wisdom from the great stoics applied to modern day challenges so that you can cultivate resilience and achieve both physical and mental mastery

Get instant access to your first workout challenge! 

Start your Misogi Challenge anytime, from anywhere in the world today.

Enroll in The Misogi Challenge

What can you do in 28 days?

You can do MORE.

More for your fitness. More for your health. More for your life.


Inside this jam-packed training you’ll receive:

  • An introduction to simple yet powerful lifestyle changes that will support your 28-day journey and beyond
  • Dietary guidance on how to fuel your body for maximum results
  • Weekly workout challenges that will prepare you for the 12-week Misogi challenge or inspire you to make a long-term commitment to your fitness

Enjoy your life. Adapt to change. Radiate energy.

Enroll in The Peak Performance Kickstart

Get Started Today

The Misogi Challenge


3 Monthly Payments

  • A 12 week challenge with a focus on four key areas of your overall health - Sleep, Food, Walking & Training
  • Mental training and reflection prompts that are vital to your Misogi success
  • Dietary guidance to help you plan for the nutritional demands of your workouts
  • Wisdom from the great stoics applied to modern day challenges so that you can cultivate resilience and achieve both physical and mental mastery

The Peak Performance Kickstart


  • An introduction to simple yet powerful lifestyle changes that will support your 28-day journey and beyond
  • Dietary guidance on how to fuel your body for maximum results
  • Weekly workout challenges that will prepare you for the 12-week Misogi challenge or inspire you to make a long-term commitment to your fitness

Meet Andrew Read


You don’t need a whole gym to get in shape.

Most trainers will tell you that you need to use one tool or one method to get in shape because that is all they know. In my nearly 30 years working with people there’s not much I haven’t tried, tested, and either kept or discarded. RPT is the Jeet Kune Do of physical training.

I have stripped back training to the essential and proven my results work with everyone from young men attempting special forces selection to 60 and 70 year olds winning world championships and ultra marathons. In other words, I have proven my system works regardless of age, gender, or the event itself.

I advocate movement, strength, and endurance work – if you think being in shape is only about standing still and lifting weights then you have fitness all wrong. Movement is the essence of life – it fixes poor movement and strengthens and protects the body. When we stop moving we die.


“Andrew didn’t Personally Train me, he Personally Taught me. He gave me life skills to manage and maintain my weight, understand how to approach food rationally, and how to structure my weeks around family and fitness. I cannot recommend him enough!”

- James Matthews

"Andrew Read's online training and coaching programs have made a sea change in my life. I ended up with a massive amount of weight loss and a much stronger body. Don't try to figure out fitness and nutrition for yourself. Andrew has it dialed in and you'll get to your destination far, far faster with his programs" 

- Ben Afazal 

"Andrew has been my coach for years now which speaks volumes of his coaching ability. What I appreciate most is that he keeps things simple. He is a world class coach and one of the good guys - no agenda other than to help people get better."

- Gan PowerÂ